The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: I married John Walmsley in August,1966. John was in Private School Education teacher/ Headmaster. We moved several times from Rutherford, NJ, Severna Park, MD., Garden City, LI, Washington Ct, New Lebanon,NY, and Atlanta. We had one son Richard in 1972. I have lived in Atlanta, since 8/1985. I have enjoyed every place I lived. I worked as Social Worker in drug addiction, and child abuse until my son was born. My husband died in Dec. 1993 (Cancer). I began my real estate career in 1986-present and love it; although I wish this market was better. My pets have included Royal Standard poodle, and a small mixed poodle/tibetan terrior. Now have two cats, Michael and Angela. Richard is still not married but lives in Atlanta. I have always been committed to volunteer work from the Junior League in Long Island, Junior league of Women Voters in Ct., Fernbank Museum, Homeless Shelter, Vestry member of my Church in Atlanta. I love throwing dinner parties and on major holidays I invite up 23 people for dinner for people who do not have family in the area. Richard is a superb cook and helps out. I constantly try to learn something new; Tai Chi, Acting, 4 yr Theology Course,kayaking,reading, exercise and weights, bridge, sudoku,other games. I have fond memories of Penn State; ice cream Parlor, Thesbians, and of course The Skeller, football games. If you keep learning you never grow old! |